Optus #SignYes Challenge

27 July 2021
Dr sign yes embed

Over the last few days, there has been a lot of activity and discussion about the Optus #SignYes campaign.

Recently Optus launched what was described as the "world’s first TikTok sign-language activated filter". The campaign featured ambassadors that showed TikTok users how to sign key phrases in Auslan sign language, including ‘How are you?’ and ‘It starts with Yes’.

The campaign was not well received due to a range of issues highlighted by the Deaf community and advocacy sector. Collectively, many individuals and organisations responded to tell Optus what they could have done better. Along with others, we would like to acknowledge the following organisations and individuals for their passionate advocacy work Deaf Victoria, Deaf Australia Inc, Open the Door Auslan (on Instagram). I Sign. I Wander., Melanie Merhi, Deaf Sports Australia, and Deafness Forum of Australia.

Optus has responded individually to people and organisations to apologise for their campaign. The campaign has since been temporarily stopped while they review it.

We look forward to seeing the reviewed campaign!